Thursday, April 21, 2011

WIlliam asks for letters of support

William Payne has shown remarkable improvement in his years of imprisonment and is now a model prisoner. He has been recommended for medium custody by staff and this has been turned down. He requires programming that is offered at Fox Lake Correctional Institution and needs to get there in order to be released.

In addition, He needs tutor help with reading as he is dyslexic. He has gotten help from tutor in the past and is now being refused the help. Here are his letters and documents.

William Payne #280194
Green Bay Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 19033
Green Bay , WI 54307

March. 25th 2011

Dear Family and friends,
I hope this letter finds all of you in best of health and spirits.I write you all because its time for my Parole hearing again. I could really use all of your help again with letters of support which need to be sent to the Parole Commissioner. Ill send along the address , which will be listed at the bottom of this letter. For those who have been with me throughout these 14 long years I've been in this hell, I'd like to Thank you specially cause you've been there through my pain & sorrow, my shame & my humility , but I promise if I'm granted Parole & make it back into society , I will be a stronger person , a good person and I will see to it that I won't let you down! My Family and I Thank, you for your help and we appreciate you taking time out of your busy lives for me.

Please send letters to the address below:
Wisconsin Parole Commission
3009 E. Washington Ave.
P.O. Box 7960
Madison , WI 53707-7960

Thank you all!
Sincerely ,
William Payne

State of Wisconsin Department of Corrections
February 4, 2011
Rev. Jerry Hancock . .
Director, the Prison Ministry Project
1609 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53726

Rev. Hancock:
Your recent email inquiry to Mr. Hamblin, DOC Secretary and Mr. Heise, Director Classification and Movement, regarding inmate Payne, William #280194, has been referred to my office for response.
It is encouraging to hear of the positive steps being taken by Mr. Payne involved in such contacts and programs. I know that Mr. Payne has been hoping for reduced custody but has remained maximum for the time being. Clearly he has adjusted and sustained positive adjustment while at CCI. I believe continued positive adjustment will result in serious custody reduction consideration. While a move to another facility may interrupt the present interactions, I trust that he will be able to continue his positive steps.

James Parisi - Sector Chief
Bureau of Offender Classification and Movement (BOCM)
Cc: DOC Secretary
M. Heise, BOCM Director file

Documents and Summations: click to view big
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Positive adjustment noting no new conduct reports this review period. He has recieved 5 minors and
no majors since reception. Last Minor on 03/04/2009 Reprimand for 303.40 Unauthorized study

William. Payne has completed Anger Management and school. He remains in need of AODA treatment and CG1P. TABE :cores are documented as 2.5 reading and 2.9 math. Mis reading score is too low to enter into treatment programs.Academic refresher is a need for him (he is enrolled) and the need is found in the Education/Programs screens of the computcr system, but for some reason does not reflect in the program status information on the Inmate Classification Report. School confirms he is enrolled, that his latest TABE reading score is 3.9 and will likely not go much higher, and that he continues in academic refresher to work on it. He is not eligible for CIP/ERP due to his offense. CCI/L. Fait TimeStamp: 7 December 2010 12:40:22______________________ __

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WILLIAM Payne requests transfer to FLCI for additional programing. He also mentioned concern about taking the TABE test staTing that he has a diagnosis of dyslexia as well as other learning disabilities. He stated that he has had learning disabilities since he was a young child. When completing his HSED he recievEd accommodations to help him with the recading so that he could successfully complete his tests. He said that he has requested accommodations for the TABE test and has been told that he will not recieve any additional assistance. He said he has made 5 or 6 attempts on the TABE test, but has not been able to complete it in the amount of time given due to his learning disabilities. CC1/A.RISTAU rimeStamp: 18 November 2010 08:37:08

Staff Appraisal and Recommendations (Pre-Hearing)
Recommendation for reduction in custody to medium with transfer to FLCI or any other available medium. Mr. Payne has been recommended medium custody at his last 7 Reclassifications.The unit team has continued to support a reduction in custody for Mr. Payne. He continues to show that he is capable of maintaining himself in a medium setting by staying major conduct report free, participating in essential programs that have been available to him and volunteering "or other programs. He has received no major conduct reports since his admission in 1997 and he has received a total of 5 minor tickets in approximately 14 years. He has completed anger management, ABE and Restorative Justice and is currently on the wait list for CG1P. He last saw parole in 10/2008 and received a D36 with an endorsement from the commissioner for custody reduction to participate in his remaining program needs. He will moderate in Sentence structure in approximately 2 years. To continue to deny a custody reduction is discouraging and reduces the offender's motivation, although he remains optimistic in spite of the previous decisions. CCI/A.RISTAU
VimcStamp: 18 November 2010 09:12:29
Social Worker-Corree

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Mr. Payne told the committee he is now working in the Recreation Department. He said he made it through Anger vlanagement with a tutor and feels with tutor assistance he can complete his other program needs. He said he feels he las learned something from each and every program he has completed. He said he has made mistakes and he is trying to learn from them. CCI/L. Fait . .
TimcStamp: 8 December 2010 13:44:52________________________
Committee Comments
This is a review of custody, institution placement, and program assignment per DOC 302 Wisconsin Administrative Code. The factors taken into consideration are found in DOC 302.07 and 302.10. After careful consideration of Social Worker summary, file material, and the offender's comments/requests as they relate to the factors in DOC 302 and the
risk presented to the community, institution, staff, and other inmates as well as any vulnerability issues and/or service iceds, we did not come to a unanimous decision. This is referred to the Second Step Committee, consisting of the CC1 Deputy Warden and BOCM Sector Chief assigned to CCI, for a Second Step Review.

Factors supporting retention in maximum custody include assaultive current offense, loss of life, assaultive offense listory, high risk in sentence structure on the risk rating, time left to serve and 36-month deferral from the Earned Release Review Commission (ERRC). Factors supporting reduction to medium custody include positive adjustment record with no new conduct reports, program completions and willingness to continue with programming, endorsement 'or reduced custody by the ERRC, and support of the unit team for reduction to medium. If medium custody is approved, he could be placed at any medium facility noting he has ample time to complete his remaining program iceds later in his sentence. We expect continued positive adjustment and completion of any programs made available to him in order to address risk factors. We expect he will pay restitution and court obligations if he owes them.
Recall is set for December 2011. CCI/L. Fait
rimeStamp: 8 December 2010 14:12:04

******** 2nd Step Committee Review ************
Committee reviewed this classification review, along with background of offense and institution adjustment. It is noted hat there has been much deliberation in recent past as to considering custody reduction with regard to overall recent positive adjustment. It is noted that Mr. Payne has been at CCI since 11 /2001. The committee feels that the nature of he offense and sentence structure supports continued maximum custody arrangements. However, we feel it is in order o determine appropriateness for custody reduction, that Mr. Payne's further adjustment be observed in another max setting as familiarity of CCI procedures has made adjustment easy, would like to monitor adjustment in other selling prior to custody reduction consideration. One year recall in order. Retain Max transfer to WC1/GBC1.__________

Page 5 Comments
Consideration made to social worker, Re-Classification Committee, and 2nd Step Committee comments. Concur with the 2nd Step Committee, to provide further monitoring at another maximum site. Inmate Payne is encouraged to continue with the positive efforts at that new site. TimcStamp: 6 January 2011 13:46:11 M.S. Olson

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